ATA JLRA Head Coach

Luka Grdic

Background: Playing tennis actively from the age of 8 until 18 years old, Luka enjoyed a successful career, being recognized as the best player in the region, a Top 30 player in Slovenia, and a member of one of the top teams in the Slovenian Tennis League. He still plays and enjoys competitive tennis today in HK, Playing in the HK A+ league.

ATA Work Specialty: Junior programs and all private, semi private group adults programs.

A Little Bit of Fun

Hobbies / interests outside of tennis?
Weightlifting, golf, photography, bike rides

Favourite Quote
Bad plan is better than no plan

Favourite CHILDHOOD TV / Movie?
Any action movie from Jean Claude Van Damme (kickboxer movie)

When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Tell me about the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?
Missing an easy smash in front of your peers

What’s the BEST and WORST advice you’ve ever received?
Best, listen to others. Worst, listen to others

If you could have a SUPERPOWER what would it be and why?
Fly… Escaping and feeling freedom

If you could challenge any famous person or character to a tennis match, who would it be and why?
Probably Roger, just because he’s Roger and would be happy just with a chat

Was there a reoccurring theme or comment that featured on all your school report cards?
Definitely, Luka is dreaming again and looking out the window

Toy or hobby you were most obsessed with as a child?
Being outside, playing all and any sport

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Feel the fear but do it anyway

Would you rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers? And how do you think it would affect your tennis game?
Toes for fingers… Could probably use other few limbs to play in case my right hand doesn’t work that day

Out of Toby, Matt & Nathan

Who has the better backhand?

Who has the better serve?

Who is the most fun?

If you all went on a roller coaster, who would squeal the loudest?
Toby or Nathan

Who has the worst fashion sense?

Who has the weirdest habit and why?
Not sure

Who is most likely to get insulted by a child?
No one

Who is most likely to own a unicorn onesie?
Toby for sure

Who is most likely to be mistaken for Alan from “The Hangover”?

Who is most likely to be upgraded to first class every time they fly?